William Ellis Brockman Infant Pantry
William and Janet Strickler Non Profit Center, 1114 W. High, Mount Pleasant, MI (989) 546-3340
CCN facilitates the Infant Pantry founded by the Brockman family. Eligible Isabella County families with children 0-4 years old may receive formula, baby food, diapers, and baby care products. The William Ellis Brockman Infant Pantry serves about 175 babies each month. In 2020, the Infant Pantry distributed over 100,000 diapers to Isabella County families.
Bring Photo ID with current Isabella County address or other proof of residency.
Bring one or more of the following:
WIC Card
Medicaid Card , Child’s Health Card
Child’s Social Security Card
Child’s Birth Certificate
Diapers? Formula?
The William Ellis Brockman Infant Pantry is serving differently during this health threat.
No Contact Pick Up is located in the parking lot of the William and Janet Strickler Nonprofit Center (1114 W. High) on Tuesdays between 10 am and 4 pm. If you wish to shorten your wait time for these distributions, pre-order your items prior to the day of distribution at this link:
https://ccnfeeds.org/infant-pantry-formIf you cannot make it to the Infant Pantry on Tuesday, please let us know and we can have your bag available to pick up during our regular Food Pantry hours on Wednesdays, Thursdays and every other Saturday.
In January of 2021, the Infant Pantry moved from the basement of the First Presbyterian Church to the William and Janet Strickler Nonprofit Center. We miss our welcoming home at the church for the past six years, but are happy to now be sharing a building with the CCN Food Pantry & Nutrition Club, as well as The Care Store and Clothing, Inc.
Our Infant Pantry Wish List:
Disposable Diapers- most needed sizes: Preemie, Newborn, 4, 5, & 6
Pull-Up style Disposable Training Pants- Sizes 2T-3T, 3T-4T and 4T-5T
Unscented Diaper Wipes (72-100 per pkg)
Breastfeeding Storage Bags, Nursing Pads
Bottles and Sippy Cups
Gentlease Powdered Formula (10-14 oz) or Generic/Store Brand of gentle formula , Nutramagin Formula
Infant Cereals, Baby Food- Stages 1 and 3 most needed. Stage 2 also welcome.
Toddler Snacks • Non-refrigerated yogurt or fruit pouches, Yogurt Melts • Cereal/Food Bars (Gerber, Beech Nut, Plum, Earth’s Best,etc.) • Crunchies, Goldfish, Gerber Pasta Pick Ups
Older Toddler Snacks (We serve up to age 4.) • Kraft Complete Macaroni & Cheese Pkg, 100% Juice (prefer Apple or Pear) • Creamy Peanut Butter and Squeeze Jelly, Fruit & Vegetable pouches, Pediasure, Mini Raviolis.
Eating Utensils: Infant/toddler plastic ware, bowls & plates,.
Care Items: Baby Shampoo, Wash, Lotion, Diaper Creams, Pacifiers, Teethers., Bottle Brushes
Extras: For our Welcome Bags and Holiday Giveaway: newborn-6 mo. onesies, socks, bibs, receiving blankets, small toys, books, etc.
Items may be dropped off at the Infant Pantry (1114 W. High) on Tuesdays, or at the CCN Food Pantry, also in the Strickler Center. THANK YOU!
Donations & funding
The Infant Pantry is partially funded by the William Ellis Brockman Infant Assistance Fund of the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation. We are a collaborative partner with The Diaper Alliance, a member of the National Diaper Bank Network. A financial donation of $1200 will cover Infant Pantry expenses for an entire month. Both financial and item donations are welcome.
For additional information about dropping off products, please email ccninfantpantry@gmail.com, send a message at www.facebook.com/ccnfeeds, or call 989-546-3340.